Communications Services
I’ve always told clients that they can hire my head, my hands, or both. What I mean by that is they can hire me to determine strategy and create an effective, efficient communications / public relations plan, or they can hire me to develop a media list, write a press release or create a case study.
Here are some of the ways I have helped clients in the past.
Offering strategic communications counsel
Need an objective outside expert to see if you’re on the right track? I can do that.
Developing marketing and communications plans
This is one of my favorite things to do. Let me help you set clear, measurable goals (no squishy goals on my watch), identify target audiences and test key messages, and determine strategies that will help you achieves those aforementioned goals.
Wondering what my process is? Check out why I am a fan the PESO approach under the public relations section of my website.
Words are essential to communication. Unfortunately, too many people use a $1 word when a .50 word would do.
Plain language is great. Concise writing is fabulous. Concise writing using plain language is gold.
Communications audits
This often-underused process can help your organization answer the question, “Are my organization's communications effective?"
Project coordination
In a former life I think may have been a project manager. Creating efficient processes, tracking progress and managing interdependent project components is truly a passion. And to-do lists. I don’t think you’ll find anyone who enjoys making and completing to-do lists more than me.
I have a variety of workshops that I can offer clients, depending on their needs, including:
Personal branding
Social media trends
Facebook 101 / 102 for Business
Communications essentials for non-communicators
And the always essential, but often overlooked, customer service.